5 Fundraising Ideas for Churches or Religious Schools

5 Fundraising Ideas for Churches or Religious Schools

Are you looking to raise funds for your church or religious school? Whether you’re looking to pay for an expansion project, fund a missions trip, purchase church bells, keep your doors open, reduce the cost of tuition, or support your

5 Fundraising Ideas for Churches or Religious Schools

5 Fundraising Ideas for Churches or Religious Schools

Are you looking to raise funds for your church or religious school? Whether you’re looking to pay for an expansion project, fund a missions trip, purchase church bells, keep your doors open, reduce the cost of tuition, or support your

Your 5-Minute Guide to 2022 Nonprofit Event Fundraising Trends

Your 5-Minute Guide to 2022 Nonprofit Event Fundraising Trends

While online giving is growing in popularity, many nonprofits still rely on fundraising events to bring in donations. And for good reason! Fundraising events are a great way to raise awareness for your cause and engage potential donors. But with