Making it count

Mobile Bidding

MaxGiving's Mobile Bidding software provides nonprofits with the ability to host annual events online, in-person, and via hybrid fundraising events. Get started today and receive event compliance & reporting features, technical support, and more!

You have one event per year

You need it to be perfect

If you only host one event a year, Mobile Bidding is the right plan for you. Get started today and see the difference that MaxGiving's fundraising event management platform can make for your event.

Event compliance and reporting

MaxGiving is committed to event compliance and reporting. Our fundraising event software ensures that your event complies with all tax laws and regulations, giving you the peace of mind that all donations are collected and documented correctly.

Donation site

MaxGiving fundraising event software allows event organizers to create and customize event pages with images, videos, and other content. You can add custom donation forms and messages, making it even easier for donors to give online.

Technical support

We understand fundraising events can be complex and time-consuming, so our platform includes access to technical support at no extra cost. MaxGiving's team of fundraising event experts provides the guidance you need to manage donations and keep your event running smoothly.

Ticket and sponsorship sales

MaxGiving's fundraising event software allows event organizers to easily sell tickets and sponsorships through custom event pages. You can also manage event sales with various options, including event tiers and custom event messaging.

Simple guest check-in

MaxGiving fundraising event software also includes a simple guest check-in feature. This allows event organizers to quickly check-in guests and securely store attendee information.

Auction integration

MaxGiving fundraising event software also features an integrated auction option. With our software, you can add silent and live auctions within your event page, allowing event guests to bid and make donations anytime, anywhere.

Mobile support

MaxGiving fundraising event software is fully optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, simplifying event management for you. Our fundraising event platform allows guests to donate on-the-go, making giving easier than ever.

fundraising trends MaxGiving

5 Trends for Higher Education Fundraising That You Need To Be Aware Of

Fundraising is an essential part of running a successful college or university. It provides the resources necessary to sustain and bring improvement to educational programs, fund construction projects, and support students and faculty. In recent years, fundraising has become increasingly